CO₂ Measurement
Transmitters for measuring air velocity / flow in building automation, pharmaceutical applications or clean rooms. Excellent long-term stability and reproducibility are guaranteed by the high quality air flow sensors in thin-layer technology.
Products Range
CO₂ Data Logger
Accurate recording of CO₂ concentration along with humidity. temperature, pressure and electrical signals.
CO₂ Hand-held Meter
Very robust and highly insensitive to pollution. Measurement range up to 20m/s (4000 ft.min).
Voltage or Mobdus RTU output.
CO₂ Modules and Probes
Compact, user configurable, temperature and pressure compensation, long term stable, low power consumption
Wireless CO₂ Sensors
High quality wireess transmitters for CO₂ humidity and temperature measurement.
Measuring Method
The E+E CO₂ sensors feature the dual wavelength/dual detector NDIR principle. One detector is tuned to 4.2 µm wavelengths, which is absorbed by CO₂, the second detector on 3.9 µm, which is not affected by any gas. For every single measurement the CO₂ concentration is calculated from the outputs of the two detectors.
This procedure is highly insensitive to pollution and appropriate for both HVAC and industrial process control.
A multiple point CO₂ and temperature adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO₂ measurement accuracy over the entire temperature working range.
Several E+E CO₂ measuring devices feature also temperature, humidity and barometric pressure measurement.
Product Range
- HVAC sensors
- Sensors for agriculture and industrial process control
- OEM modules and probes
- Data loggers
- Hand-held instruments
- Demand controlled ventilation
- Indoor air quality
- Stables
- Incubators
- Greenhouses
- Industrial process control